понедельник, 28 ноября 2011 г.

What can i say about the main characters?

First of all, I should say that there are not plenty of characters in the book. some of them appear and diappers on the spot and it's not necessary to pay attention to them. But I must give a short characteristic of three main personades : Humbert Humbert, Lolita (her real name is Dolores Haze) and Charlotte Haze - Lolita's mum. Let's start!

And.. I think this story would never happen if there wasn't Annabel - the first Humbert's love. He was only 13 when he lost his heart to her. But the destiny is rather cruel sometimes, and Annabel died ( she had an awful disease  - typhus ). Since that very moment, since Annabel's death, he had a terrible scarheart. And he was obsessed by an idea of having a girl like Annabel, like his children's love that he cherished so much.
He married adult women in an effort to overcome his craving for nymphets, but the marriages always dissolved, and the longings remained. Despite his failed marriages, his mental problems, and his sporadic employment, Humbert still attracted attention consistently from the opposite sex, though he usually disdained this attention. He claims to have loved only Lolita, and his obsession eventually consumed him.
When Lolita occasionally shrinks from his touch, he views her reluctance as an example of her mercurial nature, rather than as a child’s repulsion at an adult’s sexual advances. Humbert claims that his feelings for Lolita are rooted in love, not lust, but his self-delusion prevents him from making this case convincingly.
As for me.. Humbert should have had a piece of advice from a specialist, because he was mentually hurt from his teen-years.

Although the name Lolita has become synonymous with underage sexpot, Nabokov’s Lolita is simply a stubborn child. She is neither very beautiful nor particularly charming, and Humbert often remarks on her skinny arms, freckles, vulgar language, and unladylike behavior. Lolita attracts the depraved Humbert not because she is precocious or beautiful, but because she is a nymphet, Humbert’s ideal combination of childishness and the first blushes of womanhood. To nonpedophiles, Lolita would be a rather ordinary twelve-year-old girl. Her ordinariness is a constant source of frustration for Humbert, and she consistently thwarts his attempts to educate her and make her more sophisticated. She adores popular culture, enjoys mingling freely with other people, and, like most prepubescent girls, has a tendency toward the dramatic. However, when she shouts and rebels against Humbert, she exhibits more than the frustration of an ordinary adolescent: sheclearly feels trapped by her arrangement with Humbert, but she is powerless to extricate herself.

A typical middle-class, middle-aged American woman, Charlotte Haze aspires to sophistication and European elegance, but her attempts fall comically flat. She is religious and not particularly imaginative. Charlotte sees Humbert as the epitome of the world-weary European lover of - and in - grand literature. He represents her chance to become the woman she dreams of being, but her vulgar, self-conscious stabs at sophistication, such as her tendency to drop celebrity names and mispronounce French phrases, make Humbert cringe. Humbert usually refers to her derisively as Mama or the Haze woman. Charlotte’s love letter to Humbert traffics mainly in self-pitying martyrdom and melodramatic gestures. Nabokov portrays Charlotte with so little sympathy that the tragic elements of her character almost disappear. She dies, after all, knowing that the man she loves lusts after her own daughter.

1 комментарий:

  1. Try to paraphrase or cite the source (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lolita/canalysis.html) as I can't accept plagiarism.

    When Lolita occasionally shrinks from his touch, he views her reluctance as an example of her mercurial nature, rather than as a child’s repulsion at an adult’s sexual advances. Humbert claims that his feelings for Lolita are rooted in love, not lust, but his self-delusion prevents him from making this case convincingly.


    Sometimes it's not clear what you mean:
